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Urban Land Institute's Global Award - 12th Avenue Arts

Urban Land Institute's Global Award / Nov 2015

12th Avenue Arts

From ULI

12th Avenue Arts was honored as one of only ten international projects to receive the Urban Land Institute's prestigious Global Awards for Excellence. The awards competition, now in its 37th year, recognizes real estate projects that achieve a high standard of excellence in design, construction, economics, planning, and management. The program is the centerpiece of ULI's efforts to identify and promote best practices in all types of real estate development. Pictured from the left to right is Michael Covarrubias, ULI Fall Meeting Steering Committee Co-Chair, Dean Kralios, Principal with SMR Architects, and is Chris Person, CEO of Capitol Hill Housing, the project developer. Photo is curtosy of

2040 Vision Award - South Kirkland Park and Ride Transit Oriented Development

2040 Vision Award / Nov 2015

South Kirkland Park and Ride Transit Oriented Development


“This project is exemplary in hitting multiple goals of increased low income and affordable housing, access to transit, reduced carbon footprints and the opportunity for recreation by being located next to walking and biking trails on the Cross Kirkland Corridor,” -King County Council Vice Chair Jane Hague.

Vision 2040 Award - 12th Avenue Arts

Vision 2040 Award / Jun 2014

12th Avenue Arts

From Puget Sound Regional Council

"The Puget Sound Regional Council honors outstanding real-life examples of how the region is achieving our ambitious vision for growing wisely and creating great quality of life in all the region’s communities. The awards are designed to recognize the superb work being done by public and private organizations to achieve our region’s growth, economic, and transportation strategy, VISION 2040." -PSRC